The DOJ’s targeting of Apple is bat shit crazy. Garland and the DOJ, during their press conference, exhibited a total lack of technical understanding about several aspects of the iPhone and mobile telecommunication in general. Take for example what he said about iMessages and SMS texting. The reason SMS (or Short Message Service) texting is inferior is because the technology was never supposed to be used for sending multimedia. SMS is based around GSM, or Global System for Mobile communication, which is cellular-based, not IP protocol-based like iMessage.
Originally it only allowed a user to send up to 160 characters, in part, because of the low speeds and data rates afforded by the GSM network. Then 3G, 4G and 5G came about, allowing higher speeds and transfer rates. Thus, we can now send images and videos via the cellular networks. What Apple did early on was dump billions into their IP-based iMessaging service which moved messaging off the cellular-based network to an Internet-based system that works on top of 4/5G networks. This allows for encryption, high quality photos and videos to be transferred. Android could have done the same thing. They decided not to.
And, if Android did, the two companies would have to work together to find a way for the systems to communicate over a 4/5G network without using a different application like WhatsApp, Telegraph, Signal and other encrypted messaging app do. And yes, Apple did this to give them a competitive advantage over Google’s Android, which is how the business world works.
Using this same reasoning, Tesla should be sued because they created and spent billions on their own charging network, which uses a proprietary charging interface and, up until a few months ago, did not allow non-Teslas to access them.
Here’s a little fact. Inside the US, Apple has 60% of the market to Android’s 37%. Outside the US, Android dominates, with 70% of the market. In fact, the largest phone company, by market share in the world is Samsung, not Apple, which all use the Android OS. US consumers like Apple, that’s why they dominate the US market. In other countries, that’s not the case, thus Android wins. Blame the consumers, not the company.