There have been a number of excellent, and I mean excellent, discussion about fitness, strength training, overall health and longevity in the past couple of months. The first is posted above and is between Andrew Huberman and Andy Galpin. In the podcast they discuss the basics of what anyone needs to know to get strong, gain size, build endurance and live a longer and more satisfying life.
Then you have a discussion between Peter Attia and Mike Joyner, which is a little more high level and covers more of the connection between endurance, aerobic fitness, VO2Max and longevity.
The last one is between Andrew Huberman and Attia. Some covers some of the same material in the other two, but this one has a deeper dive into women’s health, especially later in life.
Three podcast. Zero “bro science” shit. It’s all excellent information from real doctors, MDs and research scientists. Good Stuff.